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Construction Update WIS 20: CONSTRUCTION UPDATE WIS 20-We were able to snag a traffic control crew a day early and they have been working removing equipment and preparing to reopen WIS 20. The crew should be completed with their work in the next few hours and then WIS 20 will be reopened from East Troy to Waterford!Thank you all for your patience and understanding as this was a lengthy project and a lot of work to get done!




We are now fully into Stage 3 for the project. Please see attached for the signed detours, traffic staging plan, and some site photos from today. The new traffic configuration may take some time for residents, customers, and visitors to get used too. Please review the detour map as WIS 20 should only be used to access your residence or a business if their only access is by using WIS 20.


Although we do not have our hard closures set up at the CN railroad yet (they are expected to perform their work after July 4th), traffic should still not travel directly from East Troy to Waterford using WIS 20 (use signed detour or alternate route instead) as we will have crews out on the highway working. Also, we decided to leave WIS 20 for this stretch semi-open to help law enforcement and EMS services better serve the area until the road closure needs to occur.


WIS 20 (East Troy) – Moved into Stage 3


  1. Access to Bower’s Produce can be made by continuing east on WIS 20 from County L (East Troy)
  2. Access to Green Meadows can be made by going west on WIS 20 from WIS 83 (Waterford)


This Week:

  1. Complete switch into Stage 3
  2. Begin removal of the existing WIS 20 WB concrete


Next Week:

  1. Continue concrete removals
  2. Begin Storm Sewer installation



WIS 20 – County L to WIS 83 (Waterford)


  1. Access to Bower’s Produce can be made by continuing east on WIS 20 from County L (East Troy)
  2. Access to Green Meadows can be made by going west on WIS 20 from WIS 83 (Waterford)
  3. Access to Witte Landscaping can be made by going west on WIS 20 from WIS 83 (Waterford)


This Week:

  1. Complete switch into Stage 3
  2. Begin marking out the roadway patching areas


Next Week:

  1. Continue patch layout
  2. Begin saw cutting the patches


Information on the other WisDOT project up on I-43 from US 12 to WIS 83 is below:

Information on the US 12 project between Elkhorn and WIS 20: